Good Morning, Hope this morning is beautiful in every way possible....I have just started to follow Kerri's blog over the last couple of weeks and yesterday she had this on her blog after receiving some beautiful handmade doiley's. SOOOO it got me to thinking, I would love to do this too!!! I have never sent out a RAK as I am still learning the blog thing but I thought that this would be fun.So lets Pay It Forward, please keep this going. Pay it forward for creative people: I promise to send something handmade to the first five people who leave a comment on this post specifying they would like to take part. They must in turn, promise to post this on their blog and send something they made to the first five people to reply. It must be sent sometime in 2011. So would you like to get some handmade goodies??? Of course you would... So leave a message in the comments for me if you would like a parcel of goodies